Every time that I start thinking to myself, "No things are getting better, she's improving in ways x, y, and z. Maybe it won't end up being an ASD after all", something happens with her and inside I know that she is markedly different. I can't parent her like I parent Scarlett, and in a much bigger way than "Not all kids are the same". Consequences don't seem to have an effect on her behavior. Scratch the word seem, they DON'T. And I am EXHAUSTED of hearing the same well intentioned verbage from family and friends, "Just be consistent, Jacque. You just need to establish a routine, just be firm, bla bla bla." Y'all mean well, but sometimes I feel like saying COME LIVE HERE. YOU try to impose a routine or consistency. And I will chuckle as you attempt to hang yourself after three hours.
I do love her.
So much.
I don't want her to be unhappy
I'm just exhausted, emotionally, today.
Anyone else parent a child or know someone who parents a child with a Sensory Processing Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, or Sleep Disorder?
Please share your experiences and insights in the comment section.