So, I've neglected this blogsky a little. And by a little, I mean I've written two posts in the last year. In an attempt to recall some of my last year, I'm going to do some catch up posts. Maybe one for each or every other month. If for nothing else, for my own documentation. Just ignore if you wish :)
Here are some sillies that I thought were cute. Sillies at the table and sillies with Daddy. I love the ones of their little messy floor sleepover area in their room. Daddy and babies had a little snuggle fest on the floor and mommy laid like a starfish all night in bed, because she could. The early morning slap happy sillies were so cute.
Below is Tenley not giving two f^@#s about picking out a Christmas tree. It was cold and she was over it before we even left the car.
Making a ginger bread house with Daddy! :)
Disney Lane!