Friday, February 4, 2011

Lazy Friday

I decided that I'm going to try and actually contribute something to the blogosphere.
Y'know, instead of just ranting and bragging about how cute my kids are (or are not, based on the day's level of mischief)

A quick lazy recipe, random lazy house hold tip, local deal, photograph tip, etc...

Don't get excited, it will only be once a week, Friday. I'm not that generous.
Nor do I have much of anything of value to impart on my bloggy friends. 

This week is ghetto photography 101.

I bought my low end D-SLR used for less than 300 and a 150 dollar portrait lens, and even though it was a steal, that about sucked me dry. That has been it for me and equipment until just very recently. 
With cropped format DSLR's becoming a popular choice for low middle income Mom's like me, I feel like I'm not the only one in the low tech photography boat. 
I'm notorious for coming up with ghetto solutions for my lack of equipment.
Today I'll share my favorite low tech solution to that hideously harsh pop up flash.
Meet my favorite flash diffuser:

That is a fleecy white baby sock.
I keep one next to my bag in my camera
next to my camera in my bag always.
(No I didn't plan that to be funny, I actually published it that way the first time)
Its quick and it does the job.
I still get my extra light without ending up with harsh light bouncing all over the place. 
That's how I achieved these.

Your welcome for my awesome wisdom.
Now you can't wait for next friday, I know.
All two of you.

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