I am officially a "TwiMom". I Let Scarlett go through some "booby milk" (as Tenley calls it) withdrawl tonight so that I could go see Eclipse, the third movie in the Twilight Saga. Hellllo Scrumptuous vamps and wherewolves! Come to Momma.
Speaking of scrumptuous, my always adorable hubby is starting to become more beefy wherewolf than thin Cullen these days. Although he's always scrum-diddlee-umptuous to me, I'm not hating this new burlier version of himself he's been working on.
It's after 2am and Tenley is still up. Splendid. The not even three month old sleeps through the night, but 2.5 year old Tenley....not a chance.
Right now I'm employing the VHS babysitter while I blog. Yes that's right, not BluRay, not DVD, ....V-H-S, baby. That's how we roll. I'm also using a rear projection computer moniter. Gasp! What can I say, I'm just vintage that way. Or poor. Depending on the way you evaluate the fluid volume of your drinking glass. Anyhow, my childhood VHS Disney collection has got my daughter hooked like crack. Every night gown is a "Cindwella dwess" and she runs around the house yelling "Dweams come twue, Mommy!". She's also picked up on the drama in movies. When she's unhappy with whatever I'm doing to/with her, she gets a fat lower lip and a heavy head and wimpers, "Mommy, you can't do dis, Mommy. Don't do dis." Really, its most adorable when we are in the grocery store and she starts in while I'm putting her in the cart and people are looking at me like I must beat her.
Well, Cindarella just got hitched and they are riding off in their carriage...it's time for me to go before Tenley notices I'm on the computer and I have to "share my toy" with her. Oh yeah, teaching her sharing has bit me in the a$$.
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